Rich textSDAM Car Club Corner: Corvair Club
Here's hoping that all of you had a wonderful Christmas and are eager to see what 2025 brings. Ist of all, I would like to congratulate your board members, mainly Al Toschi and His wife Rosemary. Paul Majchrzak and his wife Lydia
President Jim
and Ron Durie for their time and effort in putting together "Christmas at the Museum". What a wonderful end to a great year, I would also like to thank all
SDCC members for their continued support. Without you we would not be able to continue the extraordimary legacy of the San Diego Corvair Club
And now, what's in store for 2025? Last year we focused on increasing membership by being more visible and I think we were successful. Events like car shows and bringing out our cut-away engine and of course
"Corvairs at the Museum" gave us a lot of exposure. This year, I would like to have more social events like a drive to an interesting location lunch at an exotic spot, winery or business. I sometimes think of the Chinese phrase " May You Live In Interesting Times" and we certainly do, so lets get out there and make the best of it.
Have a great